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MAZDA CX5 基本情報 WLTCモード燃料消費率(国土交通省審査値)。 WLTCモードは市街地、郊外、高速道路の各走行モードを平均的な使用時間配分で構成した国際的な走行モード。 燃料消費率は定められた試験条件での値です。 お客様の使用環境(気象、渋滞The Mazda family of AWD crossovers appeals to everyone! It provides poised handling around turns, but is also comfortable enough as a daily driver The CX5 has a smooth ride while also delivering lithe handling The CX5 delivers that artful blend of performance and comfort, but the CX3 is just that much more responsive and refined More on the 19 Mazda CX3

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